Understanding Drug Test Pricing in Transportation and Logistics

Drug Test Pricing could be somewhat confusing to many including Safety Manager or HR Manager of a Transportation and Logistices company.   Since there are multiple parties involved in the process Drug Test Pricing typically consists of fees from Collection at the clinic, Laboratory Testing, and C/TPA’s Random Management.

Clinic Collection Fee 

When a driver is sent to take a drug test, the first stop for the driver is the clinic. The clinic collects a driver’s specimen, puts it in a pair of cups (split specimen) and sends them to the laboratory for testing.   It also documents all information about the driver manually on a 5 part Custody Control Form or enters it electronically using a software.  For its services, a clinic needs to get paid which is a component of the drug test pricing.

Laboratory Testing Fee 

The lab receives the split specimen from the clinic and conducts test using one of the cups and preserves the second cup (split specimen) in case it is required in future for a retest.   Upon comopletion of test, results are posted on the lab portal for a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to review and report to client.  A lab will charge for their testing service as a component of the drug test pricing.

Consortium/Third Party Administrator (C/TPA) Random Management Fee

A C/TPA coordinates DOT drug tests for drivers acting as a common thread among all parties: Driver, Company, Clinics and the Lab.  The C/TPA matches the Specimen ID of the test result obtained from the lab with that found in the Custody Control Form (CCF) received from the clinic.  Once matched, Drug Test reports are sent to the Employer/ Company.  If the result is found negative, the report is sent immediately.   If it is Non-Negative, it will require a review by the Medical Review Officer (MRO) before the final result is confirmed and sent.

Drug Test Price – The Bottom Line

As described above, multiple parties participate in drug testing completion process.  Drug Test Pricing is a reflection of their services as shown in the billing protocol below:

If a driver is sent to a clinic with a manual CCF, in general, two invoices will have to be paid:

  1. Pay the clinic for its Collection services and mailing specimen to the lab
  2. Pay the C/TPA for the following services:
    1. Overall coordination of drug test process, managing DOT Drug Test program, and also maintenance all records for its clients.
    2. Tests conduscted by the lab as the TPS is charged by the lab for tests
    3. MRO fee  for reviewe of test results.

If a driver goes to the clinic with an Electronic CCF called E-Passport, the C/TPS will generated only ONE invoice.  This invoice will reflect both items (#1 and #2) described above and the C/TPA pays the clinic for its collection activities.

The above billing protocol is widely practised in the industry.  However, various parties may have special arrangment and they may develop a billing protocol.  This is perfectly all right.

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